Good luck at semistate, Giants Giants fight, never die! we are Did you know GIANTS byCHOICE! Marion High School is a state leader in college and career readiness. *Manon HghSchool studerts candoose from 17 Advanced Placement and 58 daal credit eourses theough B IN Taylor U, Vincennes andly Tech Community Coleg Thisgives them the opportunity to eam handeeds of colege credits (which can potentially sive them thousands of dolitars in colege tution Csses are otered in avarlety of fields and subjects at MHS and in our caneertech ed patheays The CSA Arts Acbdemy a accredited arts school through a panseship wth MHG gving students a hybrid of traditional hig school options online courses, and high level pre-professional art aining Our students can get real-world, BY THE NUMBERS: hnds-on work experiences At Marion High School studens can get credit for leternships, a win fr nem and for the local businesses and organizations who partioipte. Theouagh Marn Regional Caneer Cener's career ech edpathways project-based learming ike designing and building a house, honing ther Marion Mgh School dens Shou the A-TP IN program for passing one or ina working restaurant, learming cybersecurity skilis and providing sech support in our schools and to the community, or even leaming aroaft maintenance onsihe at Marion Municipal Airport-ves students MSgads earned vanous AP Scholar awards or eceing on Advanced Pracement esams two sudents earned Naal P Schila Our clubs and programs offer students he highest oandgvn by tCollege Bard, for leadership development and more. Hundreds of students have leamed the power of self discipline and teamwork through the Mari High School JRC ogrm Meron High School students eamed poit ads - The only high school JROTC program in the county andamon Raider. Rife Marksmarship. and Color Guard/Drill teams all sent nembers to their respectie national championipst ear Leadersthip goups travel t0 special training every year and several cadet leaders recenty ot the opportunity to undertaie a miltary-stle staff ride at the Gettysburg Battiefield High has been named one of the top in the ste eaming the IS3MA IME Total Departmeet All Muale Award This s because of the dcrens of rds son by indvid Our athletos honor societies musical groups, and many other dubs and programs gve students the oppertunity to explore their talests and a at te conpert and puzz band and choir ce Hundreds of students grades 7-12 compete in ISSMA regional and state copetitions each yer, and ders were selected for redonal and sae honor tands and chois The MKS Science Nationall Haner Seciety ls new this year adding andther opportunity for students to be necognized fo eceptionalacademic success along wiltn the Socledad Honoraria Hispánica, Miy Agha T Mhemies Honor Soclety, and the National Honor Soolety. he sase Teather of the tescaton Asociation MARION COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Learn more at Thea National The Giants wish the Golden Eagles victory at semistate!