A Celebration of Our Amazing Staff Celebrating Hope and Healing By Terri Couse NATIONAL HOSPITAL WEEK. the nation's langest American Nanes Associution to celebrate the crtil health care evencclcbeates hospitah and the women and men who support the health and wellbcing work that munes peovide to impeove bealthare dinery aron the National Nunes Wock October 1954, the workd of their communities through dedication and was first observed care fom the heart 100th annivenary Sponsonnl by the AmericanHospital Association, National Hopital Week dates back to 1921 whon a National layital Day was first MRrded by a Chicago magazine editor to alleviatse pblic feans about hospitals The finst National Hospital the iet people partients see, and we know dhey pluy a vital Day was held on Floeence Nightingales bistida,.on May roatMGH 12th of that year minon CameI is okbrated smuly o nise wareness of the important ole munes play in socicty. Many mes es are & HEALING A celebration was held on May 6th for munes. One of The celbration, lausched in Cago,succeeded inthe highlights of the annual orkbration at MGH is the promoting tust and goodwnill among members of thenomination for Nune Leales, Nune Excellence, Friend public and eventualy spread b, bilities anos the ofN ning, and Mance d Pratie. country The cekteation was espanded to an entine week in 1953, daring the end wck of May Healthare is constantly changing and evoling Tod, more than eves, mures are sepping ost of their comfort becoming active contributoes and innovaton In an effort to recognize MGH staff for all of their hard work, pocial ativitics are platid thoghout the weck to let them know how impoetant they are. notjast this one week,but every day of every year Itsnly well-deserved weck for all who woek at MGH in the hoalth care tem At Maron General Hospital, we are extremely peoud of our employees, medical staff, volunteers and contract seaff,and we secognine the impoetant sole they play in die Held anmallysince 1820 daring the weckofNslrofour care. birthday National Nurses Week was founded by the National Week is 12-18 TO aLl MGH eMPLoYees. MeDIcaL STaFF, VOLUNTeerS aND CONTracT STaFF For Your Compassion and MGH health BEAT www.mgh.net A Celebration of Our Amazing Staff Celebrating Hope and Healing By Terri Couse NATIONAL HOSPITAL WEEK. the nation's langest American Nanes Associution to celebrate the crtil health care evencclcbeates hospitah and the women and men who support the health and wellbcing work that munes peovide to impeove bealthare dinery aron the National Nunes Wock October 1954, the workd of their communities through dedication and was first observed care fom the heart 100th annivenary Sponsonnl by the AmericanHospital Association, National Hopital Week dates back to 1921 whon a National layital Day was first MRrded by a Chicago magazine editor to alleviatse pblic feans about hospitals The finst National Hospital the iet people partients see, and we know dhey pluy a vital Day was held on Floeence Nightingales bistida,.on May roatMGH 12th of that year minon CameI is okbrated smuly o nise wareness of the important ole munes play in socicty. Many mes es are & HEALING A celebration was held on May 6th for munes. One of The celbration, lausched in Cago,succeeded inthe highlights of the annual orkbration at MGH is the promoting tust and goodwnill among members of thenomination for Nune Leales, Nune Excellence, Friend public and eventualy spread b , bilities anos the ofN ning , and Mance d Pratie . country The cekteation was espanded to an entine week in 1953, daring the end wck of May Healthare is constantly changing and evoling Tod, more than eves, mures are sepping ost of their comfort becoming active contributoes and innovaton In an effort to recognize MGH staff for all of their hard work, pocial ativitics are platid thoghout the weck to let them know how impoetant they are. notjast this one week,but every day of every year Itsnly well-deserved weck for all who woek at MGH in the hoalth care tem At Maron General Hospital, we are extremely peoud of our employees, medical staff, volunteers and contract seaff,and we secognine the impoetant sole they play in die Held anmallysince 1820 daring the weckofNslrofour care. birthday National Nurses Week was founded by the National Week is 12-18 TO aLl MGH eMPLoYees. MeDIcaL STaFF, VOLUNTeerS aND CONTracT STaFF For Your Compassion and MGH health BEAT www.mgh.net