Colorectal Cancer Early Detection Key to Survival By Terri Couse f you drink aloohol, no moe than one drink day if you re a o Month Marion General Hospital want to belp you avoida torribic deeae that ends in dcath for early 37% dagrosed urply because it indetouted earl Eat fruits,gotabls an ol grains help you get and stay heathy Eat less red meat and cut out processed meat out of 10 dcathe froms colorocta anoer could be peventod os coloeectal caners gow The key to survival is early detection through screenings develk olomital canoe at wene pint carly screesing and improved has increased over the past oée highly tweatable fit's found and treated carhg before it has yreoad. the tre-year survival ratc i re nox getting estd only about 4 out of 10 ane diagnosed at this early Cancer of the colon CANCER OF TE The Sourth mest COLON OR RECTUMhent is canoer in both men and women in the United StatesA chage inbowel An estimated 101,420 cases of colos caner and Eating a kor of red ma oe peocued mt (the five-year survial mot Barly to be saccoufal Onoe thecancer has specal habits, sach as diumhes mo than a fiowdy the abdomen, such as ofr naowingd t is 11% 4H.180 canes of ectal lving a pensonaNew guidlines from the family history of coloroctalAmrian Cancer Socicty canor or benign (notme that men and n the United Sates An stimuned S1,430h ng.illneso or cramgsxtal poly women at nerage risk for aner illA fling t yuneedHning a penonal history ooour in 2019. of infammatory oelreening at 4S yeary of age movemest thus is not disease (sach as aloorative colitis or CrohnisGH icommited to of inherised oolorectalYou are in great hands localy People who hne polys oing sa providing you with the ilyis huality cancer care odonectal cancer dant aws Uintd weight l Weakness and nge. Haing a famdlyy have sympoms at fint. Somoone could have polyps or olectal camoor andRiskfctors not know it should you be diagnosed wich cancer. We are prond to be Being a S0 Colorectal cancer may moking How to reduce yourrikngonl 30pcent of the cancerpeograms ins the Unito Be plnsically atve for at Seates that are accredited by lease 30 minutes, at least The Commission on Cancer of the American Cellege of ne oe moee of the following ympooms If you have any of overwcight or the following symptoms, talks soecially i you fve davs a week camny fit around the waistl. t least maintain healthy weight no tobacco in alcohol intake: no more than one drink/day for eat less red meat and no processed meat MGH